Weakness? (Oh, my–what do I say?)

“What’s an area of weakness?”  The first time the Career Guy was asked this question in an interview, he was stumped.  He had, after all, just told the panel that he was as close to perfect as anyone could be.  He can’t remember what he said, but he does remember not doing well in the interview.

Everyone anticipating an interview must be prepared for this question.  How you respond will be up to you, but there are certain guidelines that can help.

Brad Karsh, President of Job Bound, researched over 1000 individuals and reported that 75% of them answered with

  • I work too hard
  • I’m a perfectionist

Read his brief article here for some insights.  Answering: “What’s Your Weakness?”

One TMC senior, an RA, came up with an outstanding answer to this question.  He said, “If you asked the men on my wing, they would tell you…” and mentioned a problem recently brought to his attention as to how he was being perceived.  He was both surprised grateful for this counsel, because it was not how he thought he was or wished to be perceived.  He followed up with what he was doing to change.  It came out in the interview as sincere, humble, introspective and wise.

Give this a lot of consideration before you face it yourself!

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